Hi everyone! I bring you this week's edition of the amazing creatures which I personally tagged "Top 10 smartest animals". Be amazed!

10. OCTOPUSES: Octopuses are so smart, they tip-toe around awkwardly on the ocean floor hoarding coconut shells to later build themselves a fort to defend themselves from predators. They have over 100 million neurons of which 3/5 can be found in their arms, each arm of an octopus has the ability to think for itself even when cut off. They also have a respectable short term memory.

9. PIGEONS: These birds are so smart they can recognize all the 26 alphabets of the English language. Scientific tests prove that Pigeons can differentiate between photographs and even between two different human beings in a photograph.

8. RATS: Rats possesses an excellent memory. They are also very clean and spend several hours each day grooming themselves and each other. Rats show signs of excitement, loss, stress and even remorse and they even care for the sick and injured in their groups.

7. PIGS: Pigs are remarkable smart animals. They work to outsmart each other, learn from experiences and are smart enough to think, dream, suffer and feel miserable. Mother pigs have even been found to sing to their piglets while nursing.

6. AFRICAN GREY PARROTS: This type of parrot is known for its exceptional intelligence. It gets bored in the absence of proper communication between itself and its owner. A parrot known as "Alex" was able to identify 50 different objects and recognize quantities up to six; that he could distinguish
seven colours and five shapes, and understand the concepts of "bigger", "smaller", "same", and

5. CROWS: Crows are extremely intelligent birds. They are known for their problem-solving skills and amazing communication skills. Some crows have been found to gather nuts and place them on the street then patiently wait for passing cars to crush and return after to eat the nuts when the road is free.

4. ELEPHANTS: Elephants are so smart they have been found to mimic human voices, use tools, mourn their dead, identify languages and even understand human body language. There are even artist elephants that can actually paint!

3. CHIMPANZEES: Chimpanzees learn, perform cognitive and creative tasks, and have a better memory than any other animal. They can perform sign language to communicate with humans. They have been even found to possess advanced knowledge of tools applications and can even build what they need.

2. DOLPHINS: The bottle-nose dolphin has a brain mass at birth that is 42.5% of that of an adult humans brain mass. Bottlenose dolphins are intelligent problem solvers and they are able to solve simple problems and perform successfully in intelligence tests. Bottlenose dolphins are smart enough to use tools to get things done easier, like using sponges to avoid injuries. "Dolphins are the only creatures asides from humans that have sex for fun".

1. ORANGUTANS: The orangutans are extremely smart creatures. In captivity, they are excellent users of tools and versatile tool-makers. One captive orangutan was taught how to chip a stone hand-axe. What makes the orangutans smart isn't just their ability to use tools and make things but their understanding of why those things are made and what they are used for. For example, an orangutan was taught how to build a simple protective structure using tools available in the wild. When released from captivity, the orangutan was observed building the same structure to get out of the rain.

Hope you had a wonderful time reading the post? Don't forget to share. Enjoy your weekend!

Fadare Shalom


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