June 24 in History

Historical events that took place on the 24th of June

1894: The decision to hold modern Olympics every 4 years was made

1888: Hail injured 26 in Topeka, Kansas

1901: 1st exhibition by Pablo Picasso opened in Paris

1931: The U.S.S.R and Afghanistan signed a neutrality Treaty

1932: Absolute Anarchy in Thailand was put to an end by a coup

1941: The entire Jewish male population of Gorzhdy Lithuania was annihilated

1961: Iraq demanded Dominion over Kuwait

1963: Zanzibar was granted internal self-government by Great Britain

1966: 117 people died after an Air India plane travelling from Bombay to New York crashed in Switzerland

1967: Zaire adopted its constitution

1982: Supreme Court ruled that a President can’t be sued for his actions in office

1986: The US Senate approved tax reforms

1986: Guy Hunt became the 1st governor of Alabama in 112 years

2010: Storms in Brazil killed 46 People

2013: The worst Monsoon season in 50 years came upon India

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